With a bus load of Trini pilgrims heading to unknown territory, you can only imagine the ole talk that was going on, as everyone chatted, anticipating what would happen in the small town that we were all going to. I do not believe that a single person had their eyes closed as we entered what will be one of our most memorable parts of our pilgrimage.
When we arrived we quickly off loaded all our suitcases into a small house. Then the pilgrims, marched into the town square singing loudly, our football anthem “Ole ole ole, Feeling Hot hot hot.” The boys danced and chipped to the chanting as we brought this Carnival atmosphere into what seemed to be a very quiet town as we announced to Mocejon that the Trinis are here and here to stay for the next five days.
A large round of applause and cheers rang over our chanting as the melody of “Ole” and “Horray” blended like our rum punch and their sangria. But this is not about the blending of drinks but the infusion of two different cultures. Though we spoke different languages the immediate connection that bonded us at that point only grew stronger and remained with us.

We were all anxious about who our host families would be for the next couple of days. This anxiety was probably the strongest amougst the boys. Given that Tomorrow’s Vibrant Youth group was being represented by eleven persons. The leaders, Sr. Sandra and Aunty Maureen were very concerned about how the group would be divided as they were responsible should anything happen to the youngsters. Sister really did not want the boys to be separated from each other and from her and Maureen. There was a brief introduction and welcome by the Mayor before the names were called and the host families announced.
As groups of either two or three Trinidadians were introduced to their new Spanish families, Sr. Sandra must have been wringing her fingers with anticipation as she listened out for any of the boy’s names. Soon the inevitable happened and the host announced
“Andrew Lall, Chike Hernandez, Larry Seelal, Ato Benjamin, Shane Harricharan, Josh Harricharan, Jabari Bajnauth and Jeremy Williams, Sr Sandra Xavier, Maureen Clapperton and Maria Pantin, come up to meet your Host Family.“ Even at this point we did not fully grasped the fact that one family had kindly accepted to host the entire group.
An echoing “Wow” was heard all over as we approached our host family on the stage, who was incidentally the Major of Mocejon, Senor Placido Martin Barriyuso and his wife Senora Estrella Barriyuso. All of the fears of the group being separated were immediately allayed. TVY came to Spain together and as a family they were to remain together, it was evidently all in God’s plan. We were blessed! As we mingled with the people we received many kind words about our host family. Some people even congratulated TVY and told us that we were very lucky to have been chosen by the Mayor’s family. TVY did enjoy being the centre of attraction that night!
As we were ushered off stage, we were soon wrapped up in the celebrations as Senor Placi as he is so fondly called formally introduced us to his family and friends as we celebrated our first fiesta since we arrived in Spain. The evening quickly ended with a wonderful display of fireworks.

On entering the Mayor’s home, not a beat was missed. We were greeted by our beds all lined up in two neat rows and bath towels draped over chairs. We stood in awe. Another surprise awaited TVY. Just before retiring to bed the family came into our bedroom, and Mr. Placi brought out his guitar and sang a song welcoming us into his home. This was such a heart-warming night cap! The night never stopped instead it laced its way into the morning after, where after a bit of sleep a few hours later, we were all up once again to celebrate Holy Mass at the nearby church.
The following day was like a rollercoaster of planned and set events, from Holy Mass to orientation, to catechism. Finally we were allowed to take a break and have lunch with our Host families. The entire five days were well structured to give us a full cultural and spiritual experience in Mocejon. As interesting and fulfilling as it all was, should I go into detail, this blog will be much longer than intended. Thus the events that captivated TVY both spiritually and culturally will be highlighted.
Catechism Sessions
The boys were encouraged to pray and participate in the sessions that were allotted to them. This was one example of where the boys were given the chance to fully enter into the spiritual aspect of the pilgrimage. They were asked to reflect on their down falls and question themselves on how they would like to improve on their bad ways or even help others to achieve enlightenment in their own lives. There was also a healing session where youth openly admitted that they needed prayers and support.
The Stations of the Cross
This evening was the beginning of a planned night vigil on The Stations of the Cross. As TVY marched up the hill with the Trinidad group they kept their focus. They were interested and truly wanted to enter into the serenity of the moment. This is behind a backdrop of lightning that forked through the sky, as if threatening us not to continue the way. The other challenge of this journey was that Jabari had injured his leg days before while playing a football match against Chile. All the boys came together and taking turns they lended their fellow TVY member a shoulder to literally lean on as they carried him up the hill for over four hours.
As the trek into the night proceeded and as rosary beads swung reverently in the hands of the faithful the inevitable happened. The skies opened up and the rains fell. Although there was a bit of excitement, the boys remained calm as if they had already opened up to receive the blessings that were being showered on them. Truly reflecting on it now, it was just that. This shower was God blessing us and preparing us for the numerous, unforgettable challenges we were to face in Madrid.
Placi’s Family
They are a special mention in this blog. They are a combination of both a spiritual and cultural experience that we as TVY were most fortunate to witness. Despite being one of the most prominent families in Mocejon they were the most humble and God fearing people that we met on this pilgrimage. They all worked hard to provide for us, ensuring that we were most comfortable when we were at their home and even after we left their home for Madrid. Mr. Placi and his wife always ensured that the boys were always happy, given that they were far away from their loved ones.

It was most memorable when Sr. Sandra called all of us to prayer and reflection around the dining room table. She asked us what we would most remember about Placi’s family. Aunty Maureen began by sharing on the closeness of the family and how they were eager to welcome us into their home. The boys then shared the following: The first night when the family serenaded us before we went to bed, the visit to their farm, the availability of all the family members, how they were allowed to explore the large surrounding and to play with the games on the compound. This session was one of the touching moments that we experienced at their home. They were so happy with us that they wished for us to prolong our stay but unfortunately we were unable to do so.
Soon enough TVY was once more on the road and waving the Town of Mocejon “Goodbye” as we made our way to Madrid to enter the final phase of our World Youth Day Celebrations.