Ever year, the St. Jude Triduum takes places on the 3 consecutive days leading up to the feast day (including the feast day) and various speakers from the clergy grace us with their presence to preach on the specific topic or theme for that year. This year the Triduum began on Saturday October 26th and ended on the feast day, Monday October 28th where Holy Mass was celebrated each evening of the 3-day event. The Speakers included three dynamic deacons; Deacon Patrick Lawrence, Deacon Malcom Joab and Deacon Sheldon Narine (a.k.a. Crazy Catholic) respectively all with a unique message.
Deacon Patrick opened the festivities by preaching on a very precious person, The Blessed Mother Mary. He opened his homily by referring to the recent consecration which took place some weeks ago that our Holy Father Pope Francis mandated where he later re-iterated that "
Mary is the Greatest Intercessor". "
The World is under attack and this consecration is the church's way of combating this war and turning back to prayer through divine intercession", said Deacon Lawrence. As he culminated his sharing he urged us to allow the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth be our visitation, which was Spirit-filled.
The Second day featured Deacon Malcom Joab where his theme was based on Prayer. "
We must be rooted in the Scriptures", said Deacon Joab as he opened his sharing. He later substantiated on the popular prayer acronym
A.C.T.S. which stands for
A- Adoration to Jesus
C- Contrition (Confessing our Sins)
T- Thanksgiving (Thanking God for all that he has done and will do for us)
S- Supplication (Praying for Ourselves)
He ended with a very thought-provoking point, "
Prayer rooted in Pride is not in rights with God. Humility is the foundation of Prayer and we must pray as humble servants. Humility is thinking of yourself less and not thinking less of yourself".
The final talk was done by the always joyful, Deacon Narine and his topic, which was quite appropriate, was based on Evangelizing in Mt. D'or. His opening words reminded us that "
We belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to us, God wants this entire community!" He used a very simple formula for us to adhere to in order to mirror the life and words of Jesus Christ-
Prayer, Care, Share and Dare. In the words of Deacon Narine:
Prayer: We must spend sufficient time getting intimate with Jesus and this can be done through the Rosary, Holy Mass and reading Sacred Scriptures. How are we supposed to evangelize Mt. D'or? We must pray and cover ourselves in the blood of Jesus and step out in faith because evangelizing only occurs without faith and when one moves in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Care (for Others): Many people look for a sense of belonging, even the marginalized in society. As such, we must be sign of hope for others in need. When we encounter people in grief and trials and we extend that sign of comfort and care, they will never forget you, because you cared for them at the right moment. We, as Catholics, must love the unlovable.
Share (our Gifts): Many people from the community are blessed with special talents from God and one way to return that love to him is by building up the kingdom of God on earth through the sharing of your talents. In addition to sharing your talents, one can also give their time to visit the sick and praying for others.
Dare (to be different): What makes us stand out from the rest? The "Jesus" in each one of us. How can we be different in Mt.D'or, by being C.O.O.L. which stands for Christ Our Only Love.
So the St. Jude celebrations have ended but remember to continue to intercede to this powerful saint for hopeless and difficult cases and continue to make others known about him.
HERE you can view the pictures that were taken throughout the weekend. St. Jude, pray for us!