Thursday, 23 June 2011

Corpus Christi

In this celebration we proclaim our belief in the Real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. We also proclaim that same Jesus lives within each one of us who are baptized into His Body, the Church. In the Holy Eucharist we receive the Divine Host whom we carry in procession. Through our Baptism he has taken up residence within each one of us. We carry Him into the real world just as we carry the monstrance into its streets on Thursday or on Sunday. The procession reflects our mission. 

This is just a short excerpt from Catholic Online's Article:
(Click the above topic to view the entire article)

Now as we consider our second priority "Catholic Culture & Identity" 
  • How do you believe as a Catholic you identify with the feast of Corpus Christi?
  • Secondly, how can you carry Jesus into the world ?

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