Tuesday 17 April 2012

From our Social Justice Team

                                                          Connecting girls, inspiring future.

We,  the CCSJ: St. Joseph/Mt. D’or and the entire parish community,  join the Archdiocese, the UN and the national community in observing International Women’s Day (March 08, 2012).  The theme chosen by Trinidad & Tobago for this year’s observance is; “Connecting girls, inspiring future.” The CCJS upholds the contribution of every individual to building a free and just society for “We are heirs of the work of generations and at the same time shapers of the future of all who will live after us”  (Social Doctrine of the Church: 274). The role of young women as shapers of the future call for a commitment to action to:

        Remain true and unwavering in the Catholic faith;

        Remain fearless in the fight against social injustice;

        Become an advocate for freedom from violence and crime against women/girls;

        Uphold Christian moral values in everyday activities;

        Respect the rights of others;

        Exhibit self respect control and discipline;

        Observe God’s command to “love one another as He has loved us”.

This is no easy task when our young women are bombarded with unwholesome images of glamour, sex and popularity at every turn [advertisements, internet and television]. Our young women need our support not our criticism and condemnation. We as adults can adopt the role of Leaders in our Parishes, Families and Communities. Together we can connect our Girls and Young Women with Good Examples, Advice, Counselling, Mentoring, Social Skills and above all our Time and Attention.

Our Girls and Young Women can initiate positive counteraction to teenage pregnancy, premarital sex, adultery,promiscuity, teen sex, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, incest, drug use and sexually transmitted disesases. You can do this by:

  • Using your social networks to communicate positive Catholic positions on the challenges that plague teens
  • Use Twitter and Facebook as platforms for revitalizing Catholic culture and identity among young people
  • Blog about your spiritual triumphs & victories
  • Invite friends on Skype for conversations about your faith life

We the CCSJ of St. Joseph/Mt. D’or will like to make the first move by connecting our Girls and Young Women with information, thoughts and an opportunity to be heard. We encourage you on this day dedicated to women to take you place in global network, enter the global dialogue and speak from the position of a Catholic Woman. Visit the web-sites below and participate in the concerns of women in your region and around the world. CONNECT WITH THE WORLD, INSPIRE THE FUTURE!

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