Saturday 26 March 2016

Easter Triduum: Day 3

The hours are counting down when the tomb will open and life will re-enter the body of Jesus. One of the many purposes of Jesus' death was so that he would descend to Hades to free the souls and reopen the gates of heaven, after they were closed when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Here, we have full evidence that Jesus' death had purpose. Now, this is day when we count down the hours to his resurrection.
Our liturgy tonight will bring to a close the Easter Triduum which began on Holy Thursday evening with the Lord's Supper. As you may have recalled, there was no final blessing on the Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies. There will be a final blessing at the end of this liturgy. The liturgy is divided into four (4) sections:

  1. The Service of Light: This is where we will light the pascal candle for the first time and that light will spread to the faithful present where we will reflect on Jesus as the 'Light of the World'. 
  2. The Liturgy of the Word: This is where we will listen to all the marvels of God and what he has done for his people since the beginning of time. 
  3. The Liturgy of Baptism: As we are reborn into the newness of Christ through his resurrection, we also take the opportunity to renew our baptismal promises. This year, our parish will not have any baptisms since our RCIA programme has now adapted a two (2) year period, so we will have baptisms next Easter.
  4. The Liturgy of the Eucharist: Now that Christ has conquered death and is now alive, we enjoy his presence which he gives to us every week through the Holy Eucharist. That is why we eat of Christ, The Resurrected on this night. Here we bring to an end our three day mass.
In St. Joseph, we will celebrate our Easter Vigil at 8PM. Please remember to walk with your candles.

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