Jesus Christ, our Lord, King, Master and Redeemer has two natures: Human and Divine. He is not half God and half Man, he is fully human and fully divine. Is it confusing to understand? Well, there's no need to be. In John 1:1, it clearly states that 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God' so that means when the Word became flesh, Jesus didn't only become fully divine (at that point) instead, the Word became human as it states on Colossians 2:9 'For in Him, all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily forms'. We must understand that Jesus was not just a human who had God within him or one who manifested God perfectly but that it is actually God himself in the form of a human. Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity.
Now since Jesus is both human and divine, he understands us in ways that are incredible. Let us look at Jesus in eyes of Human.
He was born of a woman: Like all of us, Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary and endured the normal 9-month evolution.
He has a body of flesh and bones: Jesus himself says, 'See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself, touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have' as it is stated in Luke 24:39.
He was tempted: All human being endure some sort of temptation and Jesus was no different. As it is stated in Matthew 4:1 'Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil'.
He has a Father: In addition to his Mother, Mary, Jesus also had a father, like no other as it is seen in John 17 whom he loved and prayed to.
He was called man: It states in John 19:5 that 'Jesus then came out wearing a crown of thorns and a purple robe and Pilate said "Behold the Man!"
He grew in wisdom: Just as we all grow older and wiser, Jesus was the same but his intellectual status began from a tender age in his life.
He died:We all must face death at some point in our lives and Jesus faced it in the most inhumane way but he endured it because he loves us with an everlasting love.
So there it states the human nature of Jesus. Now let us look at Jesus in the eyes of Divinity.
He heals, performs miracles and gives eternal life: We often hear in bible passages about the marvels which Jesus performed. Some of which he healed a paralysis, a leper and the deaf and he even walked on water and gives eternal life (John 10:28).
He knows all things: When Simon was asked by Jesus if he loves him, Simon replied 'Lord, you know all things...'
He is worshiped: Many have came far to see the Lord, hear his teachings and be healed and even from birth, he was worshiped.
He is sinless: All human beings have some spec of sin but 1 Peter 2:22 explain that 'He who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in his mouth'
He rose from the dead: After Jesus suffered and died for us all, he conquered death and rose from the dead after three days. Only Jesus is capable is bringing himself and others back from the dead.
In this Holy Week, we witness both natures of Jesus Christ. He supped with his friends, he was betrayed and rejected by his own, he was sentenced to death, he endured excruciating pain, he was brought low by being stripped to his nothingness and died. All these and more are some of what we as humans endure and we often cry out, 'Oh God, help me!' Jesus understands what we go through day by day. But He reminds us that life is not only full of humiliating moments but also great joys which we can look forward to. This is where Jesus' divine nature came into play. He never allowed death to triumph in his life, he never remained down when he fell three times with the cross and he forgave all those who betrayed and rejected him, but we as humans find it hard to forgive. Indeed, we see the Jesus as Lord! Glory to God!
--B.Durham, 2014
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