Monday, 10 October 2011


Announcements for the 9th of October 2011
  1. St. Jude Novena at Mt. D’or Chapel begins on Thursday 20th October to Friday 28th at 6pm each evening. Triduum of Masses in preparation for the Feast starts on Wednesday 26th October to Friday 28th.
  1. We are re-introducing in our parish the practice of Lectiodivina. The group, under the guidance of Sr. Gail will meet every Wednesday on 6.30 pm in the Parish Centre – the  room closest to the parish office. If the initial group is too large, we will establish more groups, meeting in different days of the week.
LectioDivina is Latin for divine reading, spiritual reading, or "holy reading," A traditional Catholic practice of prayerfully and spiritual reading intended to promote communion with God and to increase in the knowledge of God's Word. It is a way of praying with Scriptures that calls one to study, ponder, listen, and finally, pray and even sing and rejoice from God's Word, within the soul.
  1. We invite you to pray with us on Rosary in more solemn way. Every Wednesday and Friday at 11.30 am.
  1. Next Tuesday – October 11ththere will be a meeting of the Parish Council. If you have any suggestions how to improve the life of our parish, what should be done or changed, please tell the Parish Priest or Deacon Jeffrey or a member of the council.
  1. Please be reminded about the retreat for divorced, separated and widowed persons organized by the Family Life Commission. They will take place in the next weekend at the Mt St. Benedict. Check notice board for further details.

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