Monday, 3 October 2011

We Are The Community That Remembers Jesus

We see this especially in the surrendered lives of those who show us Christ’s face, His hands and eyes and words, and compassionate touch. We call it the Mystical Body, but it means that we recognize Jesus in the laughter and voices around us: little kids, retired folks, teenagers, all those in whom Christ continues to take flesh.

While all Christian communities continue to remember Jesus, Catholics do so in a particular, liturgical way. When someone we love has died and we try to recapture memories of that person, we usually do so through our senses. We remember Grandma’s sugar cakes, or the song that Grand pa sang off-key or someone’s perfume.

It is the same with Jesus. When we remember Him, we grope for the touch of His hands on a loaf of Bread, the sound of His voice telling stories, the words He breathed into wine. We find Him still in the simplest human activities, eating, drinking, gathering with friends and telling stories.

There is a beautiful hymn that we sing on Holy Thursday the first line of which reads: ‘We remember how you loved us to the end and still we celebrate that you are with us still….”

For Your Reflection: When you gather in your Parish Community on a weekend for Sunday Eucharist, is it to remember Jesus? Why do you come? Share this with us.

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