Wednesday 19 October 2011

  1. St. Jude Novena at Mt. D’or Chapel begins on Thursday 20th October to Friday 28th at 6pm each evening. Triduum of Masses in preparation for the Feast starts on Wednesday 26th October to Friday 28th. Deacon Jeffrey Supersad will preach about revitalization of our catholic identity and culture.

  1. Lectio divina, under the guidance of Sr. Gail will meet every Wednesday at 6.30 pm in the Parish Centre – the room closest to the parish office. There are still a few spaces for anyone interested in participating. Lectors are encouraged to be part of this exercise.

  1. We invite you to take envelops for the November Masses for the dead. We will celebrate masses for eternal rest for them till the Solemnity of Christ the King (Nov. 20th).  Prayer is an expression of love. What more can we do for our departed beloved ones than celebrate the Mass for their intention?

  1. Every Wednesday and Friday at 11.30 am, before the midday Mass, we invite you to pray the Rosary with us in more solemn way, to be followed with Benediction.

  1. World Mission Sunday, a yearly event on the Church’s calendar. Promoted by the Vatican’s Congregation for Propagation of the Faith, as a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. To assist with the Church’s missionary activities, the entire collection from all parishes next weekend will be forwarded to Rome. In this regard, please give generously.

  2. The Mass for the Sick will take place Saturday, 5th of Novemebr in St. Joseph Parish Church. If you would like to help, and we would like to encourage you to do so, please check with Chris Singh for more information..

  3. And finally we would like to once again encourage you to join one of our parish group, or services. Various activites are taking place in our parish, different services are required. Pleace find yourself at home here, sharing responsibilities and taking care for the  common good of our parish family

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